2008年5月2日 星期五

The Jesus And Mary Chain - Darklands

i'm going to the darklands
to talk in rhyme
with my chaotic soul
as sure as life means nothing
and all things end in nothing
and heaven i think
is too close to hell
i want to move i want to go
i want to go

oh something won't let me
go to the place
where the darklands are
and i awake from dreams
to a scary world of screams
and heaven i think
is too close to hell

i want to move i want to go
oh i want to go

take me to the dark
oh god I get down on my knees
and i feel like i could die
by the river of disease
and i feel that i'm dying
and i'm dying
i'm down on my knees
oh i'm down

i want to go i want to stay
oh i want to stay



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