2008年10月27日 星期一

Kill Hannah - Rebel Yell (Bill Kid Cover)

Last night a little dancer
Came dancin to my door
Last night a little angel
Came pumpin on my floor

She said "Come Baby, I've got license for love,
and if it expires, pray help from above."
Because in the midnight hour
she cut "More, more, more!"
With a rebel yell, she cut
"More, more, more!"
In the midnight hour, babe
"More, more, more!"
With a rebel yell, she cut
"More, more, more, more, more, more!"

She don't like slavery
She won't sit and beg
But when I'm tired and lonely
She sees me to my bed
"What set you free and brought you to me?"
"What set you free? I need you here by me."

Because in the midnight hour
she cut "More, more, more!"
With a rebel yell, she cut
"More, more, more!"
In the midnight hour, babe
"More, more, more!"
With a rebel yell
"More, more, more!"

He lives in his own heaven
Collects it to go from the Seven Eleven
Well he’s out all night to collect a fare
Just so long, just so long it don’t mess up his hair

I walk the ward with you
A thousand miles with you
I dried your tears of pain
A million times with you
I’d give you all, and have noting
For money to burn with you
I’d give you all, and have noting
Just a, just a, just a, just a
To have you here by me

Because In the midnight hour
She cut "More, more, more!"
With a rebel yell
She cut "More, more, more!"
In the midnight hour, babe,
she wants "More, more, more!"
With a rebel yell
She wants "More, more, more
more, more, more!"

Oh yeah, a little baby
She want more
More, more, more, more, more
Oh yeah, a little angel
She want more
More, more, more, more, more



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